Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Week 10: Anime

To be honest this class had a lot more potential with this topic. Anime is such a huge part of my life and is so detrimental to the shaping of who I am as a person that when I sat down and watched those shows, which weren't bad by the way I felt like anime was undersold to the rest of the class especially to people who aren't well versed in it. The discussion got turned into yet another platform for talking about sexual inequalities and inappropriate behavior. Anime to me is much more than that, just like any other form of art it has it’s moral issues. We never discussed how we as a generation of artists are heavily influenced by it and how it influences modern animation and media in the present. The western world is completely saturated with heavy eastern influences and it’s crazy that we never discussed the immense scope of anime. We never discussed Tezuka, Toriyama, Otomo, the influence Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon had on every littlee boy or girl growing up, late night Toonami, Shonen Jump Comics, Pokemon or even the evolution of western animation with shows like Avatar. I could go on and on about this I was just a bit disappointed and hope that the next time it’s given proper treatment. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Week 8: Disney

Growing up Disney was always a big part of my life…I know,everyone at this school probably says that but hear me out here. I knew what an animator was from a very early childhood because my uncle was an animator at Walt Disney and so my family was completely overwhelmed with Disney and I of course too wanted to work for Disney…naturally. I loved the movies as a child and so did my sisters but as I grew older I found myself losing interest in Disney. My uncle was let go in the early two thousands along with many others 2D animators from Disney and went through some hard times because of it. After that the company deteriorated in quality for me and left a bad taste in my mouth. I still have my favorites: Aladdin, Lion King, Robin Hood, Lilo and Stitch. But if I had to pick a favorite I would have to chose Fantasia. Why Fantasia? I think it’s the most beautiful and straightforward piece of american animation I have ever watched and it still holds up, it’s animated beautifully and imaginatively. It holds an energy no other Disney film has for me.